Govt of Rajasthan

Social Justice and Empowerment Department

                              Drug Addiction is emerging to be a serious concern in the district area, especially in the younger generation leading to dangerous consequences not just for the person using drugs, but on the family and society at large. Drug abuse has resulted in an increase in crime rate and had an overall detrimental impact on society. Prevention has proven to be the most effective strategy to counter this problem.

                            The Central Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is working for Drug Demand Reduction in the country and under its interventions it coordinates, implements and monitors several interventions like prevention, assessment of extent of the problem, treatment and rehabilitation of users, after care and follow up, dissemination of information among the public and generation of awareness in the community. With the support of Central ministry following programs are being implemented in the Sri Ganganagr district.

(A) Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCA) – Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts (IRCA), under the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse–Supported by Ministry of Social justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi. Currently 3 IRCA is being supported by ministry.

  • Tapowan Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Suratgarh road, Sriganganagar.
  • R. Tantia Cheritable trust Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Ricco Sriganganagr.
  • Manohar Bal mandir Samiti Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Begaram Marg, Setia Farm, Sriganganagar.

(B) Outreach Drop in Centre (ODIC) – It is a community-based facility for substance users. The ODIC caters to individuals, particularly youth to who use various substances and those who have the least access to resources. An ODIC is a doorway for substance users to a non-threatening and caring environment

  • Tapowan Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Suratgarh road, Sriganganagar.

(C) Community Based Peer-led Intervention (CPLI) – In this approach, the Peer Educater reach out to clients in their different hangout areas such as parks, colonies in the areas. Similarly, other service providers in the community also involved to develop a good network, which further strengthen the process of referral system. In this manner, the concept of the program becomes a community-based approach rather than an institutionalized one.

  • Gramin Uthan Manav Sansthan, 1401 Homeland city II, Sriganganagar

             Rajasthan goverment has made De-Addiction Rules named Rajasthan De-Addiction centre rules 2020. Under these rules Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Jaipur Rajasthan has issued 10 Licenses in the Ganganagar District. Details of the Centres are as follows: –

  • Tapowan Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Suratgarh road, Sriganganagar.
  • R. Tantia Cheritable trust Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Rico Sriganganagr.
  • Manohar Bal mandir Samiti Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Begaram Marg, Setia Farm, Sriganganagar.
  • Nai Jindgi Rehabilitation Centre, 7 Z, Sriganganagar.
  • Char Sahibjaade Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Odi Motor ke pass, suratgarh Road, Sriganganagar.
  • New Horijan Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre, Tantia Hospital, Sukhadia Circle, Sriganganagar.
  • Ek Sahara Rehabilitation Sewa Samiti, Sangaria Road, Sadulsahar.
  • Nai Disha Rehabilitation and Punarwas Centre Bhambhu Politechnical College Road, Pawan dham ke pass, Sriganganagar.
  • One Step Sewa sansthan kishanpura uttradha Centre, 9 KRW Kardwala, Sadulsahar.
  • Sankalp Sewa Sansthan and Punarvaas Samiti, Homeland City, Suratgarh Road, Sri Ganganagar.

                        To sensitise the public about the Nasha Mukti Abhiyan under the district action plan, awareness programmes have been organized on a large, wide scale with the help of various departments. In the district, administrative officers are providing information about the objectives, action plan and public awareness against drug abuse through village, block and district level meetings/public hearing/night chaupal and gram sabhas. In this campaign, Public Representatives, Sarpanch, ward panch, volunteers, social workers and social organizations have been called upon to play an active role in spreading awareness about prevention of drug addiction in their area.

                            In the awareness programmes for drug addiction, mainly street plays, rallies, rangoli competitions, essay competitions, painting competitions, slogan writing competitions, awareness workshops, seminars, meetings, tree plantation campaigns, sports competitions, workshops, oath/sankalp patra, bicycle rallies, discussions etc. have been organized. In these awareness campaigns, special emphasis is being laid on making children and youth aware of the ill-effects of drugs so that the coming generation can be made aware and cautious about the ill-effects of drugs.

Along With This Some awareness Programs are Conducting in District as Follows:-

Sr. No.

Types Of Awareness Program

Number of Programs

No. of Participants


Awareness Seminars/Workshops (Schools/ Colleges)




Theatre/Plays for Awareness (Schools/ Colleges)




Story Writing Competitions (Schools/ Colleges)




Poster Competitions (Schools/ Colleges)




Cycle Rallies for Community Awareness




Foot March/Rallies for Awareness




Collective Nasha mukti Oath Programs.




Nasha Mukt Rakshabandhan Programs




Volunteers Membership campaign for Nasha Mukti




Appreciation Program (Honoring those who have done remarkable work)




Awareness Seminars/Workshops and Oath Programs in Ratri chaupal & Jan Sunwai.



                       In the district, public awareness programmes are being organised on the evils of drugs, staying away from drugs and against drugs by organising street plays like “Arthi Se Pehle Zimmedaari Uthalo” twice a week at Gram Panchayats, schools, colleges, block level, various organisations and institutions. In schools, children are being made aware of the evils of drugs through Bal Sabha/ painting/ essay writing/debate competitions etc. and are being guided to stay away from drugs in future. Principals posted in schools have been trained as master trainers. Physical teachers have been trained as counsellors to encourage children studying in schools to stay away from drugs, adopt a healthy daily routine and encourage children about it. Positive changes have been inspired by sharing experiences of youth who have given up drug abuse in awareness programmes/meetings/workshops. By including the topic of de-addiction in the core agenda of meetings/programmes/trainings of various departments, a pledge of de-addiction is being taken in every programme at the Gram Panchayat, Block level and District level, which has increased the seriousness, understanding and alertness about this topic in the minds of the people.

नशा मुक्त श्रीगंगानगर अभियान के अंतर्गत महर्षि दयानंद बी.एड. कॉलेज में काउंसलिंग वर्कशॉप का आयोजन

“ऑपरेशन सीमा संकल्प – नशा मुक्त श्री गंगानगर अभियान” के अंतर्गत दिनांक 18-12-2024 को महर्षि दयानंद बी.एड. कॉलेज में जिला प्रशासन एवं जिला पुलिस श्री गंगानगर के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में

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नशा मुक्त श्रीगंगानगर अभियान के अंतर्गत जैन गर्ल्स कॉलेज, श्रीगंगानगर में नाटक, कला और पेंटिंग प्रदर्शन कार्यक्रम का आयोजन

“ऑपरेशन सीमा संकल्प – नशा मुक्त श्री गंगानगर अभियान” के अंतर्गत दिनांक 11-12-2024 को  जैन गर्ल्स कॉलेज, श्रीगंगानगर में युवाओं को नशे के खिलाफ जागरूक करने के उद्देश्य से जिला

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नशा मुक्त श्रीगंगानगर अभियान के अंतर्गत एवरग्रीन स्पोर्ट्स एंड डिफेंस एकेडमी सूरतगढ, में नशा विरोधी नाटक एवं प्रतिभा सम्मान समारोह का आयोजन

“ऑपरेशन सीमा संकल्प – नशा मुक्त श्री गंगानगर अभियान” के तहत दिनांक 29-12-2024 को एवरग्रीन स्पोर्ट्स अकैडमी, सूरतगढ़ में नशा मुक्ति अभियान को लेकर एक प्रेरणादायक कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया,

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नशा मुक्त श्रीगंगानगर अभियान के अंतर्गत भारत-पाकिस्तान सीमा पर स्थित गांव संगतपुरा में कार्यशाला का आयोजन

“ऑपरेशन सीमा संकल्प – नशा मुक्त श्री गंगानगर अभियान” के तहत दिनांक 10-12-2024 को गांव संगतपुरा के राजकीय सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल में जिला प्रशासन एवं जिला पुलिस के संयुक्त तत्वावधान

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नशा मुक्त श्रीगंगानगर अभियान के अंतर्गत राजकीय उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय मल्टीपर्पज श्रीगंगानगर में काउंसलिंग वर्कशॉप का आयोजन

“ऑपरेशन सीमा संकल्प – नशा मुक्त श्री गंगानगर अभियान” के अंतर्गत दिनांक 09-12-2024 को राजकीय उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय मल्टीपर्पज, श्रीगंगानगर में समाज में नशे के दुष्प्रभावों के प्रति जागरूकता फैलाने

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नशा मुक्त श्रीगंगानगर अभियान अंतर्गत के राजकीय उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय बनवाली में प्रेरणादायक नाटक व् कार्यक्रम का आयोजन

ऑपरेशन सीमा संकल्प – नशा मुक्त श्री गंगानगर अभियान” के तहत दिनांक 07-12-2024 को राजकीय उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय बनवाली में एक प्रेरणादायक नाटक व् कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम

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